Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Check Them Out



"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict."---William Ellery Channing

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just Resources

I just wanted to keep you in the loop with several resources. They'll keep your inbox full of uplifting email.


Go to the above website now! There are exactly 108 free bonus items waiting you. All you have to do is spend $10.00 for the book. These 108 bonuses are well worth you while.

The next resource is:

Another resouce is: Universe Of Power

My final resource is: makeadifference.com

I'm sure you'll find something you like. "Your dream is not big enough if it doesn't scare you."--- Matthias Schmelz --- Portugal
Lovin Life, Truth Is

Monday, June 2, 2008

Good Resources

It has taken me reading and going through a number of manifesting resources to get it right. I've had to put together the "truths" from various e-mails to get the ultimate truth.


Tom has some of the most positive intriguing articles. I always get nice and comfortable before I open up his e-mails because I know I'm going to learn something from them. You can sign up for his articles by going to the above mentioned website. You can also pick up your copy of a free guide to Manifesting entitled "The Principles of Successful Manifesting."


I think this is a very beneficial Manifesting Course, and it's free! I got the most intriguing e-mail from this website the 3 days ago. It read:

The master secret is that all things are created first in the inner realm. Yes, all things are created twice, yet this is why so many people are unsuccessful at manifesting. They jump straight to the physical world, but this world is only a reflection of the spiritual pre-creation.

It was obvious before then that this was the case. You know how someone can say the same thing to you a hundred different ways, but then it just takes that one person to say it to you the right way and VIOLA!, you got it! That's sort of what happened to me. I put that together with the fact that it takes 17 seconds of purely, intentionally concentrating on something in order for it to materialize in the physical world. Which I learned from tybro.com.


You can get "The Law of Attraction," by Ken MacLean. "Think and Grow Rich," by Napolean Hill. "The Confidence Booster," by Anna Marie Stewart. "Money & Beliefs," by Aine Belton. "The Basics of Manifesting," by Ken MacLean. "Optimal Thinking." "I Create Millions," by Christopher Westra for FREE. Download the pdf files.

In addition to all this you can sign up for their free e-zine. Also, you can go their resources section and check out their resources.


One of the most prolific writers on The Law Of Attraction. You just have to go to his site and read until your heart is content.


You just gotta see this! The website, redifineyourreality.com has a place on it for you to take a 7-part email course, you might want to take it. Now you may or may not be in a position to go to one of the live seminars, but believe me you want to take this free email course.


You can visit here daily or sign up for their emails. This website nurtures you Mind, Body & Spirit. My goodness, you can get lost (figuratively). They have Books, On-line Courses, Gift Shop, Music, The Om Marketplace."

So you see there are so many places that you can go here online to help you in finding the Truth for yourself. That will definitely lead to you being the best YOU, you can be.

"No man was ever wise by chance."---Seneca

Lovin Life, Truth Is