Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Check Them Out



"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict."---William Ellery Channing

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just Resources

I just wanted to keep you in the loop with several resources. They'll keep your inbox full of uplifting email.


Go to the above website now! There are exactly 108 free bonus items waiting you. All you have to do is spend $10.00 for the book. These 108 bonuses are well worth you while.

The next resource is:

Another resouce is: Universe Of Power

My final resource is: makeadifference.com

I'm sure you'll find something you like. "Your dream is not big enough if it doesn't scare you."--- Matthias Schmelz --- Portugal
Lovin Life, Truth Is

Monday, June 2, 2008

Good Resources

It has taken me reading and going through a number of manifesting resources to get it right. I've had to put together the "truths" from various e-mails to get the ultimate truth.


Tom has some of the most positive intriguing articles. I always get nice and comfortable before I open up his e-mails because I know I'm going to learn something from them. You can sign up for his articles by going to the above mentioned website. You can also pick up your copy of a free guide to Manifesting entitled "The Principles of Successful Manifesting."


I think this is a very beneficial Manifesting Course, and it's free! I got the most intriguing e-mail from this website the 3 days ago. It read:

The master secret is that all things are created first in the inner realm. Yes, all things are created twice, yet this is why so many people are unsuccessful at manifesting. They jump straight to the physical world, but this world is only a reflection of the spiritual pre-creation.

It was obvious before then that this was the case. You know how someone can say the same thing to you a hundred different ways, but then it just takes that one person to say it to you the right way and VIOLA!, you got it! That's sort of what happened to me. I put that together with the fact that it takes 17 seconds of purely, intentionally concentrating on something in order for it to materialize in the physical world. Which I learned from tybro.com.


You can get "The Law of Attraction," by Ken MacLean. "Think and Grow Rich," by Napolean Hill. "The Confidence Booster," by Anna Marie Stewart. "Money & Beliefs," by Aine Belton. "The Basics of Manifesting," by Ken MacLean. "Optimal Thinking." "I Create Millions," by Christopher Westra for FREE. Download the pdf files.

In addition to all this you can sign up for their free e-zine. Also, you can go their resources section and check out their resources.


One of the most prolific writers on The Law Of Attraction. You just have to go to his site and read until your heart is content.


You just gotta see this! The website, redifineyourreality.com has a place on it for you to take a 7-part email course, you might want to take it. Now you may or may not be in a position to go to one of the live seminars, but believe me you want to take this free email course.


You can visit here daily or sign up for their emails. This website nurtures you Mind, Body & Spirit. My goodness, you can get lost (figuratively). They have Books, On-line Courses, Gift Shop, Music, The Om Marketplace."

So you see there are so many places that you can go here online to help you in finding the Truth for yourself. That will definitely lead to you being the best YOU, you can be.

"No man was ever wise by chance."---Seneca

Lovin Life, Truth Is

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How To Manifest For Free

I tried this exercise and guess what it works! This is from an e-mail that Nelson Berry sent to me.

"So what I wanted to do was give anybody the opportunity to manifest anything that they wanted to for basically free. The only thing that you need is a couple of good pencils or pens, and a notebook, just a standard, regular notebook.
So how do we do this?

Firstly this is a daily exercise. You don't miss a day. Second thing to remember is what we're doing is creating the future. It's a four step sequence. And so, without further ado, let's go ahead and get started.

This is going to absolutely blow your mind.
It takes about 30 days for it to kick in. It'll actually kick in instantly, but things will start manifesting and coming into your life very rapidly. I'd hate to say, you know, the old rule of thumb is 21 days, but I've seen it happen sooner, I've seen it happen longer. So the key is daily effort.

You need to do this exercise every single day without missing a day from here on out, pretty much. And as you start to get your new goal in you switch goals and do it on the next goal. So let's go ahead and get started. The first thing just open up a notebook and I've got mine here. Just open it up to a clean page.

At the top of the page you're going to write what it is that you want to happen, and attach a feeling to it. For example, let's talk about money since that seems to be what everyone is interested in. The first thing you attach the event and attach an emotion to it.

So step one is, "I…", and you want to state it in the form of as if it's happening right now, or if it's already happened. So step one would be, "I am making $200 dollars per day, and feel relieved and excited about my life, and look forward to more fun in the days to come."

What I've done there is made a statement. "I'm making $200 dollars per day." That's the objective. But I'm not saying, "I'm going to make $200 dollars per day," I'm saying, "I am making $200 per day," and that's how we're going to talk about this as if it's happening right now. What's going on? "I'm making $200 dollars per day," and we're talking about how it feels right now to make $200 dollars per day. You might be making minimum wage right now, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about you decided you wanted to make $200 dollars per day. Let's pretend like you're making $200 dollars per day, except this is not pretending, this is for real because what we feel and think on the inside attracts things on the outside to match what we feel like on the inside. I've got tons of proof how this works. I've done it a million times. It's wonderful.

This is free. This is a daily exercise, you asked for it, here it is. So that's step one. "I am making $200 dollars per day," and how do I feel? "I feel relieved and excited about my life, and I look forward to more fun in the days to come." That's something that I feel, and you want to pick something that you really feel in your words. How do you feel? Imagine that you're making $200 dollars per day, and how does it feel? And get up in that space to where you're making $200 dollars per day, and how does it feel, and write it down.

And then the second step to this is, and you write this out, "I support myself in making $200 dollars per day, and am grateful for my life and income." The key part of step two is, "I support myself in," whatever it is. "I support myself," okay? So that's the second step. And in this example, "I support myself in making $200 dollars per day, and am grateful for my life and income," that's something that I feel. Obviously gratitude's important. I'd suggest to you, consider that in your number two statement.

And then number three is the fun part. Number three is where you get up in there and you own it, and you talk about everything that's going on. And this is actually where you want to get up into that picture, and stay there, and hold it for as long as you can. So, for example, we'll just go through an example here. Number three is basically you describe, and you write down, and talk about feelings, and talk about how what's going on in your life.

Of course the $200 dollars in cash, you know, the paper part of it is not what we're looking for. We're looking for the emotion, and the lifestyle and what's it doing for you. What's it like? What's if feel like? What's it smell like? What's going on? What are other people saying? What's it feel like? So, in this example, I'm just going to write it out here. "I am so happy that I am now making $200 dollars per day. I feel so relieved. I am more relaxed. I can pay all my bills. I can do almost anything I want to." And you get the idea.

We're staying up in there, and what you need to do is to focus and stay up in there for a long time. I mean when I say a long time I'm talking like you want to go for five minutes a day if you can, and just keeping writing about it. And what you'll find is that this feeling will start to come up inside of you about how it feels as if you've already made $200 dollars per day.
Again, you might be making minimum wage, but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about you already make $200 dollars per day, and how does it feel. And you do this exercise, and continue to write. This is not a journal. This is a specific written manifestation exercise. This is not like anything that you've probably ever done before. What happens is you get this feeling, and that feeling is the exact same feeling that you get when it actually happens.
Now, I have to emphasize, I don't know all the spiritual things that are at work here. What I do know is that this works. And what I also know is that when it actually happens that's the exact same feeling you'll get when it happens. So the purpose of this exercise is, is for you to get comfortable with that feeling. At first it might feel a little uncomfortable, but don't worry about it. Just keep writing. I mean it's a joyful pleasant experience because if you didn't want it in the first place it wouldn't be there, right?

I mean in step one, "I'm making $200 dollars per day," if you didn't want $200 dollars per day don't put that down there. If you want a girlfriend, boyfriend, love of your life, you want to get married, have kids, get a new house, pay off your credit cards, whatever it is. Because you can do whatever you want to do, okay?
Just, again, in step one it's whatever the event is and how you feel about it.

Step two is, "I support myself," in whatever it is.

And Step three is you get in there and you step into the picture as if it's happening right now, and you just stay there in writing. The writing helps you stay focused on it. And you'll have this feeling come up. You get used to feeling, get comfortable with it, get to know it, become a friend with it.
Then step four is similar to step two. Step four is a Thank You to your Higher Power for giving this to you and states it as if it has already happened, "Thank You so much for letting me make $200 per day and I'm very, very, very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you."
And that's it.
Is that simple enough?
With Respect,Nelson BerryCreator of Subliminal Video Messages

"Believe that you have it, and you have it."---Latin Proverb

Lovin Life, Truth Is

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Hug From My Daughter

It is amazing what a hug can do. I got hug, totally spontaneous, not out of the ordinary, from my little girl (22yr old). What was so different about this hug is I was present for this one. I was actually in the now, You know as in this moment right here, now. And I totally enjoyed it. Thank you Eckhart Tolle! And thank you daughter. Sometimes I just marvel at all the good things that happen to me everyday! Who knew A Hug From My Daughter would make me stop and feel how truly blessed and loved I am. And I hugged her back! She came right up to me while I was working on the computer and threw her arms around me and told me that she loved me and it was worth all the gold in the world to me. Why am I going on and on about a hug? Because until you get a hug or give a hug and be truly, totally, absolutely and completely present for it you haven't experienced the true, pure, love that exists between human beings. So go ahead and hug somebody today! I can hear my daughter now when she reads this, You're such a dork, Mom! To that I'll reply, "But---You Love Me and my Dorky Self!

"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."---Albert Einstein

Lovin Life, Truth Is

Monday, May 26, 2008




Yes, forgiveness, I have to talk about it because there was no going forward, no evolution in my quest for spiritual progression without it. There's no going forward in the human evolutionary process until you have forgiven everyone of everything. Old and New, of the past and of the present. And believe it or not of the future too. If not for the other person's sake for yours. I have had a whole lot to forgive, and some to be forgiven for.

I made my appearance into this world parent less. From the hospital I went directly into foster care home run by Ms. Guy. Somehow another I wound up at Ms. Lewis's where I thrived. A young naive little girl, who absolutely loved Ms. Lewis and obviously she loved me. I hung on her every word. I used to go to sleep feeling so loved, so safe ,so secure because I knew she'd be there to greet me when I woke up, I knew she loved me. And yes, I knew I had no parents because she has explained it to me and somehow in my childish way I accepted it, it didn't even matter because I had Mrs. Lewis.

After her husband died, she thought that I needed a home with two parents, so she sat me down and she explained the adoption process to me. Somehow my four year old little mind understood it. I reasoned that when the lady came to take me away from Ms.Lewis that I would kick and scream in protest. But somehow I couldn't hurt Ms. Lewis any more than I already knew she was hurting so when the lady came to take me away---to my new parents, I went bravely. When Ms. P was taking me away that day I remember looking back at Ms. Lewis, a sort of long goodbye, our eyes met and she and I said goodbye for the last time, in this life.

My new parents were anything but parents, they were physically, verbally, and sexually abusive to both myself and the son of whom they adopted along with me. My "mother" was the wicked witch of the North, South, East and West. LITERALLY. I didn't trust her from the beginning. My "father" was a little harder to gauge but that was all cleared up when he attempted to penetrate me at the age of five. It's funny how you can go from not having a care in the world one minute to having the world become a strange and unusual place the next.

WE SURVIVED, that is the important thing. WE survived all the truly reprehensible, unconscionable, truly evil things that you could not even imagine that was done to us. Yes us, me and my adoptive brother. Ms. Lewis had planted a seed in me before she let me go, the seed of God. It seemed as though there was no reason to go on living but, then there was God, this idea that somehow it was okay, whatever they were inflicting upon me and my adoptive brother, in the end they would have to answer to God. And God would make it alright. It has taken sometime but I finally rationalized that, because we are all connected (whether we like it or not) that THEY ACTUALLY DID EVERYTHING TO THEMSELVES, THAT THEY CALLED THEMSELVES DOING TO ME. AND IT WOULD BE MULTIPLIED 10 TIMES WHEN IT CAME BACK TO THEM. My job was to keep on fighting the good fight. To keep on being the good daughter to them irregardless to what they were doing to me I was determined to give them GOOD for their EVIL. I remember the very day that I made up my mind to do just that.
I was 7 years old, and it was a-matter-of-fact that I was going to give them something good or do something nice every time they did something evil. It became a sort of coping mechanism. Little did I know it was right on the money!

So yes, I've been down, down so far that I could not even look up. If I told you the whole story it would take the better part of two books! Once you start to forgive though, I mean truly forgive, there is something inside of you that just surrenders to the LIFE in you. There is a part of you that lets go of all the resistance to any type of discomfort in your life. You'll experience that "Peace that passes all understanding." And in that moment, you'll realize that no one or no thing can hurt you UNLESS YOU CHOOSE TO BE HURT.

I want nothing more than for you to find forgiveness, experience forgiveness, forgiving yourself and others is the most freeing thing you can do. "It is one of the things about forgiveness you have to remember. It is not spiritual. It is part of real politics.
In forgiving, people are not being asked to forget. On the contrary, it is important to remember, so that we should not let such atrocities happen again. Forgiveness does not mean condoning what has been done. It means taking what happened seriously...drawing out the sting in the memory that threatens our entire existence."--- Mark Twain

"Forgiveness does not mean that we suppress anger; forgiveness means that we have asked for a miracle: the ability to see through mistakes that someone has made to the truth that lies in all of our hearts. Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness. Attack thoughts towards others are attack thoughts towards ourselves. The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive."---Marianne Williamson

Here's a FREE E-BOOK on FORGIVENESS: http://tinyurl.com/nbt62

To each and everyone who reads this: My Prayer Is That You Find True Forgiveness, Now And Forever. May Your Very Soul Embrace The Very Essence Of Forgiveness.

Lovin Life, Truth Is