Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Hug From My Daughter

It is amazing what a hug can do. I got hug, totally spontaneous, not out of the ordinary, from my little girl (22yr old). What was so different about this hug is I was present for this one. I was actually in the now, You know as in this moment right here, now. And I totally enjoyed it. Thank you Eckhart Tolle! And thank you daughter. Sometimes I just marvel at all the good things that happen to me everyday! Who knew A Hug From My Daughter would make me stop and feel how truly blessed and loved I am. And I hugged her back! She came right up to me while I was working on the computer and threw her arms around me and told me that she loved me and it was worth all the gold in the world to me. Why am I going on and on about a hug? Because until you get a hug or give a hug and be truly, totally, absolutely and completely present for it you haven't experienced the true, pure, love that exists between human beings. So go ahead and hug somebody today! I can hear my daughter now when she reads this, You're such a dork, Mom! To that I'll reply, "But---You Love Me and my Dorky Self!

"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."---Albert Einstein

Lovin Life, Truth Is

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